Ecclesiasticus 44:1 All Saints Day Part 2
Dia de Muertos
Now let us praise great and famous women and men
Our ancestors in their generations!
It's November 2, and in much of the world, folks are still celebrating All Saints Day--Dia de Muertos.
It's a two day festival, inviting the saints to walk among us.
To outsiders it may seem like a strange way to celebrate, but sharing those memories of beloved ancestors is a way to keep them alive in our hearts and minds.
Sharing their stories and favorite foods makes their presence more real.
It's not such a strange idea.
Hebrews 11 is sometimes called the hall of fame of faith.
It starts with Genesis and goes forward remembering the great saints of old.
It's a good list--but you have your own list.
You have your own hall of fame of those who helped make your existence possible.
They sacrificed and struggled so you could have a better life.
They died and joined the great cloud of witnesses, cheering your every step.
They didn't reach the goal, but passed the baton to you.
Now it's up to you to reach the finish line of their dreams.
Treasuring their memories can help you get there.
Each step you take gets you a little closer.
And as you get closer you can make out their voices a little more clearly.
Take a moment to thank them today for being part of your journey.
And keep on keeping on!
The saints are rooting for you!

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