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Since the pandemic, I've discontinued posting audio-only messages.

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100 to 1 Faith

09.15.19 Podcast: Jacob’s Ladder

By Larry | 4:16 pm

Jacob knew what he had done. He knew why he was running from himself. When he laid down his head in the middle of the desert and God showed up, he wasn’t ready. He wanted to get his life together and THEN come home to face God. He erected a marker–partly out of piety, and […]

08.25.19 Podcast: God Will Provide

By Larry | 5:28 pm

This Creator God is definitely not tame. Our Creator is free to make worlds out of nothingness and universes out of chaos. God is free to give life. And God is free to take it away. This awful, holy, unsafe God calls us to come to the altar with all we hold most dear. We […]

08.18.19 Podcast: Faith, Hope, and Laughter?

By Larry | 1:15 pm

The rules of Babylon make sense. “There is never enough to go around,” “We’ll never have enough to share,” “Don’t laugh. Don’t smile. Don’t dream.” God’s promises are so crazy, they make us laugh out loud. Can that laughter be a doorway to faith?

08.11.19 Podcast: Space for Grace

By Larry | 11:21 pm

God calls people like us to create a world with space for grace, but conflicts arise. Sometimes those traveling with us aren’t really WITH us. Folks who live by the laws of Babylon will never have enough to share with anyone. How can we possibly have enough to share in a world that never has […]

08.04.19 Podcast: Come Out!

By Larry | 10:12 pm

God began to create a whole new world when Abram and Sarai were called away from Babylon. God used very ordinary people, very much like us, to create a promised land of freedom. So why are we still trudging up the same Towers of Babel after 6,000 years?

07.28.19 Podcast: Failure to Communicate

By Larry | 8:43 am

God always moves on our chaos. This week, we look at the confusion which causes massive failure to communicate. Can our technology save us?

07.21.19 Podcast: Marked by the Ark

By Larry | 7:12 pm

We have been marked by God as people of the Ark. But are we still seeking to save the least, the last, and the lost? Are we willing to go out into the angry waves to save those who are perishing?

07.14.19 Doest Thou Well to be Angry?

By Larry | 3:42 pm

Cain got mad enough to kill his brother–and we can’t even understand why. Have you ever seen unreasonable anger in your own family? Or in your own reflection? Sin is crouching at the door…

07.07.19 Podcast: And God said UH-OH!

By Larry | 2:16 pm

Chaos came into the world even though it was a perfect paradise, and a perfect gig, with a perfect spouse. If communication broke down and people felt guilt and shame in the garden of Eden, what hope do we have in this imperfect world today?

06.30.19 Podcast A New Beginning at Grace

By Larry | 9:22 am

God is still in the Creation business… but chaos always comes first!